The whole building is registered in the official list of french historical monuments (« inscrit à l’inventaire des monuments historiques »). it is closely linked to the complex history of belle-île-en-mer. Nicolas fouquet as a close minister (« surintendant des finances») of the king louis xiv, purchased belle-île in 1658. As the new marquis of belle-île, he undertook major works aiming at completing the palais fortress, and made plans to develop the harbour as a remote base to conquer the « new world ». But louis xiv, worried about nicolas fouquet’s growing power, sent him to prison in 1661. The works were later restrated by vauban as of 1683.
For more information
L’histoire de belle-île en mer et l’arrivée des Acadiens
La seigneurie wharehouse

The building is dated 1684-1685. initially named « magasin de la seigneurie », it comprises kitchens and stores on the ground floor, apartments on the first floor, and attics on the top.
In 1765, 78 acadian families expelled from québec by the english during the « grand dérangement » settle in belle-île and are temporarily taken in the building after landing.
A memorial plate recalls their presence, as the names given to all the apartements, which are those of acadian places.
The building is unique in the center of palais, with outstanding measurements : 40 meters long, 12 to 15 meters wide, and a 1 000 m2 roof .
The oak framework has been entirely rebuilt as originally in 2022-2023, before completing the apartments. Parts of the oak framework can be seen in each appartment.